Monday, October 17, 2011

California, Here I Come!

And I can hardly wait. I'll get to see my old buddies, my daughter and grandson...wait. Let me clarify that. I'll be seeing my younger daughter, Robin, and her significant other, Gilbert; and I'll also get to see my younger grandson (by my older daughter, Anni), Riki. Anni, my older daughter, lives in Gardnerville, NV, and Riki's brother, Dai, lives in Fort Bragg, NC, with his wife, Emily, and their two adorable children, Andrew and Kasumi. Yuppers. I'm a great-grandmother. Odd how that happened when I'm only thirty-nine years old, huh? Hey, if it worked for Jack Benny, who am I to kvetch?

Anyhow, I'll be leaving Wednesday, and won't be back until after the first of November. This is the first time I've visited California in forever, and I miss it! I know. Sounds silly, but I love L.A. Randy Newman would approve.

Anyhow, here (I hope) is the link to a slide show, created by Anne Albert, to publicize our Mystery Blog Tour, which will begin in late November: Mystery Blog Tour Slide Show

And, what the heck, here are a couple of pictures of Andrew and Kasumi!

See y'all later!