Sunday, June 30, 2019

JULY 2019

As usually happens, nothing went as planned in my life during the months of May and June. The surgery to replace my left shoulder scheduled for May 20 got rescheduled for June 10 and then got re-rescheduled for July 8. As far as I know, my left shoulder will be replaced on July 8.
Heaven only knows how long it’ll take to recover from that surgery, but I aim to take full advantage of any down-time. My darling niece, Sara, will be coming from Portales for a couple days to help me out while I’m one-handed, and my dogs will be so pleased to have me sprawled out on the sofa for a week or two instead of sitting at the computer all day, every day. At least I hope they will be. They keep telling me I need to spend more time with them. No, really. They do.
Anyway, DARK SPIRITS, the audiobook, is still not up and ready on Audible for reasons too numerous to mention (although they include having to pry a book cover from the source, ACX being dilatory, and everything just going more or less sideways). However, Denice Stradling did a splendid job reading it, as she does all my Daisy books, and it will be available soon. Then I’ll give away copies as soon as my new shoulder heals. Since I don’t know who the winners of free copies will be at this moment, if you’d like to enter my giveaway for it, feel free. Just send me your name and email address at
There’s really not a whole lot left to write about at the moment, so I’ll merely post a picture of the DARK SPIRITS cover and go away for a while:
I'd add a link here if I had one. Sighhhhhhh.
Um, anything else? Well, there’s always Daisy Daze. I love Daisy Daze. Iris Evans and Leon Fundenberger founded the DAISY DAZE Facebook page. On this page, people post all sorts of historical stuff about Pasadena, sewing machines, entertainment and fashions from the 1920s, houses in which the people in the books might live, and lots and lots of other historical (1920s-era) stuff. It’s fun, and if you’d like to be a member, check it out here: .

If you’d like to visit my web page, here’s the link: . And if you’d like to be Facebook friends, please go here:
I think that’s it! Thank you


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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